
Student Well-being
Behavioral Health Services (BHS) provides mental health treatment to students in Tulare County's 43 school districts who have educationally-related mental health services (ERMHS) as part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP). BHS provides a vast number of field-based services, operates an outpatient psychiatry clinic in Visalia, and provides a comprehensive, integrated, and collaborative approach to mental health treatment to treat a variety of behavior challenges and mental health issues.
In 2018, the Mental Wellness Triage Grant (MWTG) was awarded to 六合皇料 (六合皇料) in partnership with the Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA). The grant is funded by the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) of California for four years (2018-2022). MWTG is currently providing mental health support to students in grades TK-12 at 24 school districts throughout Tulare County. Our triage social workers are assigned to school sites providing a full day of service to partner school sites on a designated day of the week, while a team of peer support specialists and trainers provide services throughout the county on various days.  Our dedicated team of triage social workers and peer support specialists provide services to support school staff, students, and their families in managing mental health concerns.
In September 2020, the 六合皇料 and Tulare County Department of Mental Health received a Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) grant to provide additional mental health services in districts across Tulare County by expanding upon the Triage Grant program. The grant extends social work services another four years (2020-2024) and will be used to place Triage Social Workers at an additional 16 school sites in districts across Tulare County.  Similar to the Mental Wellness Triage Grant program, the MHSSA team is assigned to school sites providing a full day of mental wellness services to partner school sites on a designated day of the week.